Friday, March 22, 2013

Asshole(s) of the Day: Ugly-Hearted Lunchers

Today's Asshole(s) of the day wasn't funny at all; These girls are the epitome of assholes.

I went to meet a friend for lunch today in the city with a good friend and after leaving a dodgy place with high ratings, we ended up at Havana Central.  We were sat immediately and ordered our drinks then our  food and shot the shit for awhile.

I want to point out from the get go that I notice everything and hear everything usually within a 10-12 foot radial around me at all times.  It's nothing special, but I think people are too busy or consumed to be cognizant these days.

While they were serving us, they sat these classy ladies next to us.  To get into her seat the Latin girl said, excuse me, and took her seat.  Her friend followed. As they did, my friend was telling me about a girl he had just gone on a date with, the girl in the forefront looked over, which caught my attention from the corner of my eye.  She leaned over to her friend and said, "This guy's talking about a girl he went on a date with."  Her friend replied, "I'm sure there wasn't a second one."  

I heard it and immediately I wanted to say something; even though my friend didn't hear, I was STEWING.  I sat quietly and calmly still talking with my friend but I quickly began to think about how I would let them know they suck.  One for walking into our conversation and then passing judgement.  Then I thought, "better yet I'll ask to take their picture before we go and when they ask why, I'd tell them that I have a blog called Asshole of the Day."   By the time I'm done eating though, I would have been so over it.  So I put my fork down and picked up my camera.  I pointed it in their direction while I was waiting for the camera app to open.  I purposefully did so hoping they would notice.  And then I took a picture with the flash on.

I continued my conversation and was never asked.

Look, I'm all about funny jokes or conversations at the expense of someone you see be it what they are wearing or something they do or say, please we ALL do it.  It could be a chuckle or a flat out laugh but never so flat out mean or rude.  And that's the rule; no one gets hurt.  If anyone hears, you failed.

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