Monday, May 21, 2012

It's been a It's almost as if assholes took a break while I was enlightening myself. But not for too long.

Well first night out with my roommates and sure enough an asshole emerged; ripe with hemorrhoids and all other fun stuff assholes can be.  This one was a bartender at Flaming Saddles (funny name) in NYC. the first sign of asshole-dom was When foursquare said of we checked in, they would give us a free beer. Chris walked up to one bartender and got a free drink asap, I walked up to another bartender, the asshole of the day.  I showed him my phone so I can get my free beer and he says, "you have to show me the actual coupon!"  I was like "um ok, let's figure this out..." It was literally a click away from a free drink, so I showed him the next screen and he gestured "ok."  Fine whatever.

Then after a couple of drinks I wanted to check out the juke box.  This place plays mostly country western, so I searched my memory whatever I knew country westen and along the way I found Tina Turner's rendition of Proud Mary.  I played it.  Once it came on, this asshole says, "What you don't like Country music???"  To which I replied, "I didn't request this,"  I did, however now after being called out in front of the bar I felt like a dick.  Then I thought twice and said, "Are you stereo-typing me?"  which I said as a joke.  He replies, "Are you black?"  DONE.  He would later go on to say that he was joking but his eyes were not those of a joker; a clown maybe, but he was not being genuine.  In my eyes the conversation is over.  He skips my song and goes on to the next song which coincidentally was mine as well.

I go downstairs to the bathroom and when I come back my friends have gone to the bar to get another drink.  When they get back, Peter is shaking his head and tells me about how this douche bag followed him to the other side of the bar to fill their drink order when they in fact walked to the other side of the bar to avoid him.  Then my friend calls him a bitch to the other bartender.  This asshole quickly rushes back and says, "What did you call me?!?"  Oh my gosh enough, what a tired old joke this had become.

Eventually he gets to talking to our one roommate Chris and begins to tell him how we ruined his night, when he was the one that invited conflict.  So Peter walks up and gets in on the conversation and begins to explain the things he did that were applicable to him being an asshole and the whole time this guy is blaming it on us.  We just went out for a good time.  It's not our fault this guy is jaded and bitter.  I've worked in the serving industry for a long time when I was younger.  If you don't like people don't work at a bar, if you don't like your job and its all you're qualified to do, get a life, go back to school and do something else.  Don't plague places with your existence when other people are trying to have fun.

I never caught his name but here he his:

If you know him, I'm sorry.  But if you know him, tag him to this pic and marginalize him.

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