Friday, December 9, 2011

Asshole of the Day - Hall of Assholes Inductee Rick Perry

I've been gone for awhile1 BUT, I do have a couple of assholes saved on my phone and a couple of videos.  I just have not have not had the time.

HOWEVER, I did see this video of Rick Perry and it was more than enough to have our first (of many) Inductees to the Assholes.  That's right, he is an absolute permanent fixture after watching this you will understand why.

He, his campaign and their message is ripe with hypocrisy, hate, lack of historical facts about just utter lack of theology.  Faith did not make America strong; in fact the only thing that faith did was ship the first settlers and separatists to the new world to escape religious persecution.  Faith made America and rational thinking people victim to an ungodly message.

What is so damn wrong with gays serving openly in the military?  Still?  People who have a problem with gay and lesbian people serving in our military should enlist and then try to explain to me why it would matter.  Would it matter when and if your platoon came under attack the person who may have saved your life was a gay soldier?  I'm sure if Rick Perry's son or daughter were to even join the service, he be singing a different tune.    The statement he made in this video is so asinine and when we look back years to come, we're going to think, "What the hell we're we thinking," just like we do about the Civil Rights movements of the 60's.  What a ridiculous and archaic thing to say.

Also Mr. Perry, the forefathers who were believers in separation of the church and the state.  Rick Perry is just so wrong but I'm sure he is pandering to religious voters who vote in record numbers.

He shouldn't be ashamed of being a christian; he should be ashamed of distorting religious rhetoric further than the bible has distorted any divine messages.